
{{contact userdestination="XWiki.UserName" subject="Pre filled subject of the mail" text="text of the linked form" id="Unique Identifiant" icon="xwiki icon set" redirectafter="Space.Doc"/}}


{{contact emaildestination="" subject="Pre filled subject of the mail" text="text of the linked form" id="Unique Identifiant" icon="xwiki icon set" redirectafter="Space.Doc"/}}

userdestination : (YOU) It's a XWiki User, the macro will check for User Document an get his email (ex: XWiki.ol)


emaildestination: (YOU) Optional if userdestination is used, give to the macro the destination email instead of XWiki.User email (ex:

subject: This text is used to pre filled the contact form, usefull if (YOU) want filtering the received email from the contact form
text: This text is used to generate the link to activate the form (usualy, the name of the contact (YOU) ) also you can use this format to separate the text, icon and linked text (ex: text="this text is not link [[this text will be linked]] this other will be also not linked.")
id: Without this UNIQUE ID, the contact can't works, So each macro need an UNIQUE Identifiant (ex: abcd1234)
icon: Optional, you can add an icon before the text part in the link. (ex: envelope) see xwiki icon set for more icons.
redirectafter: Optional, the macro will redirecte the user just after sending the form. So you can create a thanking page and give to the macro the ref as Space.Document.
The macro will add a "returnToUrl" corresponding to the origine of the contact page (where you put the macro)

Thanks You !
[[Go Back>>$request.returnToUrl]]